Thursday, June 28, 2012

Calling all Pinners!

Do you love Pinterest? I love the concept of the site. It’s a great way to organize your ideas and inspirations. Some say that it’s a time sucker, others I feel; are habitual pinners just collecting "pretty pictures", and some truly use it to make life a little easier. I’ve even saw a pin saying that it was "Fantasy Football for Women" lol. I myself do enjoy trying out the recipes or fun activities for the kids. If I like a pin: I save it to try again. If I dislike a pin, or tried it and it didn’t do so well; I delete them. I also use Pinterest to collect my idea for birthday gifts or projects I’m currently working on. I tend to be out of sight out of mind. So this helps keep them all in one visible place for me :)
I hope later on Pinterest will change the way you can manage your pins and boards. Adding a drag and drop option between boards like a real time idea board would be awesome. Maybe even making it possible to have private boards would be great. Once an image/resource is pinned; it is available to all. When someone else uses it, modifies, it and pins it a billion times. The idea is no longer original. Artists and creators of any kind would love private boards so they can collect their thoughts, ideas, and create something original without the whole world pinning it to bits.

 I stumbled onto a new blog called Pinstrosity and found some of their stories hilarious. If you get a chance, check them out. I’m learning more to research pins before I waste my time and money. Some of their pins I’ve tried some I had saved for later and recently deleted lol.

Here are some pins I’ve tried (some many times), recommend, and would do again.
Smores Cookie Bars
Pepperoni Pizza Monkey Bread
Ice Cream Cupcakes
Best Ever Pulled Pork
Homemade Laundry Soap
Watermark Tee

What kind of Pinterest user are you? What have you pinned and tried out? I would love to hear your expirences. Have a awesome day!!



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